Thursday, December 2, 2010

Surviving 'our' party!

I'm back from a sexy party which was at my uncle's farmhouse.
Sexy as in not 'sexy'.
Sexy for the awesomeness and the fun :D
Ok you do get it..I just wanted to fit that word somewhere in my write up , lol

It was just  a family affair . . . full of surprises and warm wishes.
So it was the 25th wedding anniversary of my maternal uncle and aunt. Their two sons and fastest friend took the initiative to make a video of about one hour ; recording clips from most of the family members and close friends without the couple ever getting any hint of it.
There was a chain of admiration , love , praises & a pinch of humor  for the wonderful couple in that small film titled ' 1985 , A Love Story'
The video editing was fantastic!

And just like in movies..some of the rough unedited clips were rolled out during credits. :D It was hilarious!!
Worth mentioning - the first credit
Make up
By themselves

lol :D

I wonder when we would learn to click a lot of snaps!  I'm usually the most devoted shutterbug :P
But nobody listens to me..and the clicking is delayed for no good , the end result being sulking over an almost empty folder.

That night we stayed awake till 6 in morning. Uptil 2.30 -3 - the elders were along with us too. Then they made a wise decision of moving out so we could have our hookah session :P

These mini slumber parties that we cousins have are  funnier than barrels of monkeys.
Ocean of madness.Limitless insults.Filthiest jokes , lol and of course harmless ( so far ) Hangover.
I survived the last party :D That's how I'm now a member of this coveted club. *smugs*


  1. Ahh....ur post jus made me remember all the MY fun times with my cusins!

  2. ditto - reminds me of my summer breaks spent with my cousins:-)

  3. Aah those were the days...i miss the time i used to have with my cousins long ago. Now its been ages since we all got together, besides we stay so far apart that making a plan whud mostly fail unless we chose to stick to it like fevi quik! :P

  4. YAYYY- im glad everybody has started the party spree, me waiting to jump on the bandwagon :D

  5. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! Great!


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