Saturday, April 30, 2011

I want sci-fi to be real.

So there comes a point - when you just have to helplessly look beyond  , believe the unbelievable and live with the pain.Even when at this particular can't really feel the pain. Not that you've grown immune to it...but are realistic enough to lock it away & face the void.
Face the void.
Face the void!!
Huh..something that I absolutely dread.

But I believe matter what ...its never really difficult to deal with any damn opera in your life once you make yourself easy. Unless you do that..there is no way you're finishing the mind & heart game.

What a gamble! My dad always says emotional problems don't have rational solutions.
If only . . . I could hire someone to get into the brains of few people and seed  better thoughts!
Inception style.


  1. My dad has a very similar point of view on emotional problems.

    I want sci-fi to be real too. Inception would be cool. :D

  2. Hmm, wondering if there is an element of frustration laced with humor? Or is it that I am not getting it? Wud luv to know.

  3. or you could try getting out of the Matrix ;)

  4. i think people cal inception- mind gamesin teh current world..ya can still do the plants

  5. sci-fi anytime :)
    Ur dad makes sense btw

  6. - Cardinal
    Oh it wld be supekickassawesome :P

    - Swapna
    No not frustration. Feeling terribly bad and laughing at my helpless situation.

    - Anish
    Haha true..makes more sense :)

    - Jane
    I'm not too sure I got what you said :|

    - Aakash
    Hi..thx for dropping by :)

  7. Hey the Inception idea is very good... sometimes I also wish I could make people think in a better way :)


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